0,000 award: Employer fails to prove lack of mitigation in case highlighting challenges for HR | Canadian HR Reporter

$300,000 award: Employer fails to prove lack of mitigation in case highlighting challenges for HR | Canadian HR Reporter

Randi Collins, our Managing Lawyer, spoke with Canadian HR Reporter about the crucial role of employer evidence in proving a terminated employee's failure to mitigate wage loss.

Succession planning help

Managing Lawyer, Randi Collins explains some common challenges with succession planning for business and personal assets.

Progressive discipline in the workplace

Senior Associate, Christin Elawny, explains what progressive discipline is and how it can help an employee’s performance.

What is constructive dismissal?

Associate, Coltyn Herman recently spoke with CTV News explaining what constructive dismissal is and what steps an employee can take if it happens to them.

Job Application Privacy Rights

Managing Lawyer, Randi Collins speaks with CTV News Calgary and explains what you should and shouldn’t submit on a job application.

Office Party Etiquette

Associate Lawyer, Coltyn Herman, discusses the dos and don'ts for both employers and employees at office holiday parties.

Employment Agreements

Lawyer, Coltyn Herman recently spoke with CTV News to explain what an employee should keep in mind when looking at making changes to an employment agreement.

What are fixed term contracts?

Senior Associate, Christin Elawny, explains what fixed term contracts are and how they benefit an employer.

What is a non-comp agreement?

Managing Lawyer Randi Collins speaks with CTV News Calgary to explain what a non-compete clause is and how it applies to employees.

What is being “Fired Without Cause”?

Senior Associate, Christin Elawny, explains what it means to be fired “without cause” and what an employee’s entitlements are.

Workplace Investigations

Senior Associate Christin Elawny speaks with CTV News about workplace investigations and employees' rights during these procedures.

Employment Termination Benefits

Lawyer, Coltyn Herman recently spoke with CTV News about EI benefits upon termination of employment.

What is a termination release?

Senior Associate, Christin Elawny, speaks with CTV News about employment terminations and why the employer may ask to sign a release.

Offsite workplace discipline

Managing Lawyer, Randi Collins, speaks with CTV News Calgary about whether an employee can face workplace discipline for behaviour at an offsite workplace event.

The importance of employee classifications

Lawyer, Colby Georgsen, recently spoke with CTV News about the importance of employee classifications in the workplace.

Hiring your first employees

Managing Lawyer, Randi Collins, spoke with CTV News Calgary about what new business owners should consider before hiring their first employees.

Information on WCB Claims

Senior Associate, Christin Elawny, speaks with CTV News about the responsibilities an employer has regarding workplace injuries and WCB claims.

How to handle workplace harassment

Senior Associate, Christin Elawny, speaks with CTV News about steps employers should take to handle workplace harassment and bullying complaints

Employee Equality Incentives

Managing Lawyer, Randi Collins, speaks with CTV Calgary about what employee equity incentives are and how they work.

What does “mitigation” mean when you are fired?

Senior Associate, Christin Elawny, speaks with CTV News to explain what mitigation means when an employee is fired without cause from their job.

Wrongful Termination Rights

Lawyer, Colby Georgsen, recently discussed with CTV News how a wrongful termination case in Ontario could have implications here in Alberta when it comes to employment contracts.

How employers can be proactive against AI

Lawyer, Coltyn Herman, spoke with CTV News Calgary about how employers can be proactive when it comes to artificial intelligence.

Leave of absences

Randi Collins, Managing Lawyer, spoke with CTV News about what a leave of absence is and if an employee will still be paid during a leave.

Freedom of expression in the workplace

Lawyer, Colby Georgsen, recently discussed with CTV News how freedom of expression and protest does not translate to the workplace, and individuals can be fired for expressing their views.

Parental and Maternity Leave Protections

Senior Associate, Christin Elawny, speaks with CTV News and provides an overview of parental and maternity leave protections in Alberta.

What is constructive dismissal

Senior Associate, Christin Elawny, speaks with CTV News about constructive dismissal in the workplace and how employers can reduce the risk of a claim

Statutory Holiday Entitlement

Managing Lawyer, Randi Collins, spoke with CTV News about statutory days off for employees during the holiday season as well as who gets paid.

Protection From Workplace Bullying

Associate Erin Gellhaus spoke with CTV News about workplace discrimination, bullying and harassment and how employers can be held liable.

Employer Obligations When Fired Without Cause

Our lawyer, Colby Georgsen spoke with CTV News this week about what an employers obligation is upon termination without cause.

What is Progressive Discipline

Senior Associate, Christin Elawny, speaks with CTV News about what progressive discipline means in the workplace and how an employer can address their concerns around employee conduct in the workplace.

Employers Monitoring Remote Workers

Senior Associate, Christin Elawny, speaks with CTV News about when privacy and medical information should be shared with your employer and when it does not have to be. Watch Here:

Employers Monitoring Remote Workers

Managing partner, Randi Collins spoke with CTV News on the topic of monitoring their employees use of computers while working from home, including keystroke monitoring. Watch Here:

What you should know about temporary layoffs

Managing partner, Randi Collins spoke with CTV News this morning on the topic of temporary layoffs and employer responsibilities . Watch Here:

Post-Employment Obligation

Our lawyer, Colby Georgsen, spoke with CTV News this week about post-employment obligations and what both employers and employees owe each other. Watch Here:

What is a “duty to accommodate”?

Senior Associate Lawyer, Christin Elawny, speaks with CTV News Calgary about the responsibility of an employer's duty to accommodate in the workplace. Watch here:

Getz-Collins CERB Payment FYI

This week employment lawyer Colby Georgsen spoke with CTV Morning News regarding an employee's duty to mitigate damages after being laid off and their entitlement to severance after receiving CERB payments. Watch here:

The benefits of a separation agreement

Family lawyer, Katherine Kowalchuk, appeared on CTV Morning Live this week to discuss separation agreements and why they are important. Watch here:

How to update your will

Randi Collins spoke with CTV Morning Live this week regarding the importance of putting a will in place or updating an existing will. Watch here:<

Statutory Holiday FAQs

At this time of year, employees are often unclear about their statutory holiday entitlements. Employment lawyer, Colby Georgsen, appeared on CTV Morning Live this week to break it down for us:

Employee Tracking Rights

Employment lawyer, Christin Elawny, appeared on CTV Morning Live this week to discuss an employer's right to monitor employee activities when working remotely. Take a look:

Advice for business owners

Randi Collins appeared on CTV Morning Live this week to discuss some considerations for business owners as we head into 2023. Take a look:

Employee Rights

Lawyer Colby Georgsen from Getz Collins and Associates explains employee rights after a business is dissolved or sold. (Sponsored content.)

Issues heading back to the office

We talk to an employment lawyer with Getz Collins and Associates about issues facing workers being forced to head back to the office after two years of working remotely.

Changes to credit card processing fees

Get ready to pay more if you use credit cards. We’ll get details on changes to processing fees with Getz Collins and Associates. (Sponsored)

New Construction Legislation

Randi Collins with Getz Collins and Associates will explain new legislation impacting the construction industry and how it will help businesses.

Why you need an employment agreement

We’ll find out why you need an employment agreement and what you should do before signing one.

Starting your own business

Managing Lawyer Randi Collins of Getz Collins and Associates goes over all your legal needs for starting your own business.

Prenup 101

2022 is a wedding boom. We’ll find out why more couples are considering getting a prenup agreement.

Real Estate Tips

From trends to what legal issues–we’ll get advice when buying and selling real estate.

Online Defamation

In light of the Johnny Depp -Amber Heard trial, we’ll find out what constitutes defamation and when you can get into trouble when posting things online.

Loan Co-signing Tips

With first time buyers still looking to break into the real estate market, we’ll find out what it means to co-sign a loan and the obligations that come with it.<

Employee Rights

Randi Collins from Getz Collins and Associates is looking at vacation time and will tell us if an employer can deny a request for time off.

Business Tips

We’ll find out why you might want to consider incorporating a business and some of things you need to consider.

The Great Resignation

As “the great resignation” continues during this pandemic we find out what obligations employees have to their employer.

Social Media Precautions

From attending protests to posting your opinions on social media, find out how your actions can impact your employment.

Return to the office tips

Randi Collins with Getz Collins and Associates with tips on how to return to work at the office after working remotely during the pandemic.

How to deal with family disputes

Family law disputes don’t always need to end up in court. Lawyer Katherine Kowalchuk spoke with CTV Morning Live this week about alternative dispute resolution in the family law context, particularly mediation and arbitration.